Durchgehende Tätigkeitserfassung

Vorgangs- / projektbezogenes Logbuch-System

Der Kern unseres webbasierenden ERP-/CRM-System bildet das Vorgangs- / projektbezogene Logbuch-System, in welchem alle Tätigkeiten (inkl. Korrespondenzen, Besprechungen, Dienstreisen)  dokumentiert werden.
Enthalten ist eine Projektkontrolle, in welcher die einzelnen Arbeitspakete nach geplanter und verbrauchter Zeit dargestellt werden.
Hierüber erfolgt die Generierung unserer Tätigkeits- und Stundennachweise.

Die Abstraktion und das Engineering haben wir eigenständig vorgenommen.


We know about the importance of reliable project execution. That means:

  • realistic assessment of tasks and times
  • precise, conscientious planning
  • controlled, comprehensible implementation
  • Documentation (traceability) of all activities

Our priority: Your production must continue to run smoothly!

SPS programming

Creation and adaptation of user-specific programs for programmable logic controllers (PLC) with the common programming languages ​​(according to IEC 61131 ):

Program generation (if required / necessary) can be done under the aspect of Fail-Safe-Management (FSM) according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511.

Among other things, the implementation steps are documented and tests are carried out at regular intervals in accordance with the "four-eye principle".

Our programs are built object-oriented. It is our goal to construct and comment on the logic to be implemented as simply and clearly as possible. It is not about program size, but about transparency (traceability).


  • better cooperation (clear distribution of tasks etc.)
  • faster takeover of other employees
  • Faster changes after FAT, or during commissioning
  • better optimization possibilities
  • Saving costs and resources


(Bisher von uns eingesetzt)


Software for programming programmable logic controllers (SPS)

(previously used by us)

Control hardware

(previously used by us)

Bus structures / connections

(previously used by us)
  • Planning and construction of bus structures
  • Manufacturer-dependent connections within a system eg
    • S7 connection (SIEMENS),
    • HIBUS-S (HIMA Paul Hildebrand)
  • manufacturer-independent connections of different systems eg
    • Modbus TCP / IP or serial (RS-232, RS-485)
    • Profibus
    • Profinet
    • CAN bus
    • TCP / IP connections

Control and / or visualization systems (HMI)

(previously used by us)

Creation of control systems for operation, monitoring, alerting (including time stamping in the PLC) and data recording.

SCADA systems, structure server-client structures, redundancy concepts and much more

operating devices

(previously used by us)
  • OP operating systems, configured with TIA, ProTool / Pro, WinCC flexible
  • OP operating systems, configured with SPSPlusWIN → Use in explosion-proof area
  • Touch operator terminals GP, configured with GP pro
    Pro-face )
  • POWER station, projected with Interact (until 1999)
    CTC-Parker / IQ Automation )

Operating data acquisition systems (BDE) with reporting and alarm and event recording

(previously used by us)

Long-term archiving, evaluation of historical data, logging, document-proof, plant-wide, across plants.

Recording of operating times, running times and switching cycles, with associated analysis functions.

Alarm and event messages can be recorded chronologically from the PLC using special procedures.


Together with our customers or on our own, we create customer-specific standard blocks for PLC program and HMI on request, which are specially adapted to your requirements.
These can be documented universally (system-independent).

Creation of user-specific programs

(previously used by us)

Depending on the project, we offer you user-specific solutions for your operation in order to expand the possibilities of your control and visualization system.
As programming language we use VB, VBA, C ++ or C #.

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